Cute, yes? It is a Kate Davies invention found on
Ravelry.com You have to be a registered member to access but all it takes is patience and determination. Navigating the site may take eons. People use it to see what others are making with a particular yarn, find out who might be having trouble with a specific pattern, and just generally get ideas--and LOADS of free downloads like the one above. I think the idea is one I might use on a bag or a tea cosy.

I have been working on my version of that bag above, from Knitty.com It is called
Twiggy Tweed, designed by Missa Hills. Mine is not too far off in color. I had a ball of something called
Di.Ve' from Cascade (#33051, pinks with a little chocolate, pinks with a little orange) which I used for the body. For the little belts, I had a skein of Karaoke in the color that goes from deep rose pinks to orangey pinks. Not what the designer called for, but ALmost enough yarn.

I decided to make the opening self-faced, so I ribbed a few extra rows, purled a row, and then roughly followed her directions. Luckily I had decided to knit both sides at the same time so when I ran out of yarn, I was at the same point on both panels. I knit the belt pieces, then took all the Karaoke I had left, hand-carded a lot of it, found some natural brown New Zealand Coopworth, and hand-carded it with the pink and tried to make a new yarn. I think I need a drum carder. The yarn I made was not quite what I wanted so I tried some core spinnng around the Karaoke. That was not right, either. Finally, I spun the Coopworth and plied it with the Karaoke. Not right, but useable. Right now the bag is pinned and blocking. I will update with photos later today when the sun comes up.

In the meantime, I cast on for a sweater which will be come my new dummy-knitting as soon as I get all the increases done and the sleeves on holders. My current dummy knitting is about 20 yards from the finish line. Of course, I always have dummy socks, the perfect carry-along.