
I went to Friendship Group a week ago. I haven't been since May and it was a nice way to get back in the rhythm of socializing. I am several months behind in my black and tan blocks. Country Stitches Quilt Shop has a program each year for Friendship Group participants. This year Priscilla has a fat eighth of Kona black and a fat eighth of a tan print as a monthly offering. I can't remember if I have shown you what I am making with mine. I will take some pictures today if the sunlight cooperates and put them in at the bottom of this post.

I haven't been doing anything quilty at all, but I have been doing a little dummy-knitting. You remember, my term for that knitting process where only your hands have to be engaged, not your brain? I have pulled some yarns and rededicated them to short, simple, dummy work. I can always find homes for scarves. I might even branch out to hats since the only thing that really takes any brain work is the decrease and there are several ways to get around THAT.

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