
Today I want to talk to you about CUTE food. Have you noticed how many beautifully photographed CUTE foods are out there? It is more apparent at this time of year than at any other. 

You may remember last year I was on the hunt for a particular shape of pretzel. I live in a very small town. No, I live in between several small towns. Still, with the number of  smaller discount stores, drug stores, and grocery stores such as Dollar General, Family Dollar, CVS, and Ingles, you would have thought I could find circular pretzels. No, I could not. I had to ORDER PRETZELS from Amazon.

For what? To make a recipe that was so CUTE

No link--blog no longer exists. Wonder why...
IT WAS A FAILURE though some of the disaster was edible. I think even the burnt ones were eaten. 

In case you are wondering, sometimes chocolate does not melt in the oven. It turns into a brown , chalky substance. If I had had a little more patience, I might have made diamonds.

Leftover bags of pretzels that ended up costing $5 each with shipping were consumed but only after all the leftover chocolate kisses and M and Ms had disappeared.. The plan had been to make something CUTE to eat for all those little parties one simply MUST attend at this time of year. Our family joke is "Buy a bag of Cheetos and scatter them on the table". After Reindeer Noses, I was ready to consider that. 
Mrs. HappyHomemaker site
Undaunted, I tried the CUTE idea of making a platter out of candy--you know, the kind of dishes that WEEKLY READER promised we would have in the future. 

I could be a better cook with a Foodarackacycle like Jane has

Dishes made of candy that we could eat after finishing a meal. 

Well, in 1962, we believed the flying car thing, too, but I believe that has a chance. After all, it IS NOT MADE OF CUTE FOOD. 
I do not know what happened to the tray made of candy that  I made. It did NOT hold Reindeer Noses CUTEly. It was about 6 inches across, weighed about 2 pounds, and sloped down at the edges. Anything put on it was destined for the floor if the tray was moved from one surface to another. Cheetos would not have had a chance.

Surely anyone could whip these up in an afternoon.
I am stubborn about not learning a lesson, though. 

I found some more CUTE food to try this year. 

I can tell you right now, I won't be sharing the recipe I tried Sunday for soft caramels.

Cutefoodforkids.com--2 ingredients--hotdogs and cream cheese

Maybe if I just try something more in my ability range.

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