
No, not this week. This snowman is from the New Year's leftover snow but we HAVE had some weather. The sun is well and truly up and the world is a lovely place even at 28 degrees. It COULD snow, I suppose, but I don't think it is wet enough. Wet weather the day before our windstorms made some frost.

Still, yesterday I bought new cushions for our porch furniture with an eye toward outdoor basketry. I have a few odds and ends to tuck in before I finish my three current baskets, about an hour to go on a hat, a baby blanket I put on needles, the never-ending brown vest is making slow but steady progress, and I picked up my tiny bearmaking habit again. This afternoon I plan to catch up on photography so I can begin posting with some kind of daily sort of ritual again. If only there were more hours in the day...

1 comment:

KMo said...

This has to be the cutest snowman ever! :-) Looks like it could be one of your dolls!