
The triangle windows are right over my studio desk. They face north and in the fall and winter the sun comes up to my far right, just the other side of the window frame so it does not bother my eyes. Instead, I can see a beautiful sunlit sky every day.

This morning I sat on the porch to watch the sun rise. It sure is loud in the country! The crickets were full-throttle, hounds were baying, crows were ridiculing each other, and the hummingbirds were making their zooom noises, like light sabers. We have two different kinds of hummingbirds. I am fairly sure one is the ruby throat. The males' coloring is very vivid. The other may be the broad tailed.

In this close up of my studio window you can look through and see that I have windows on my west wall, also.

Do you see the hummingbird feeder? Do you wonder how it gets filled? My husband climbs out the bedroom window on the south side of the house and walks around to take it off the bracket. He brings it back to the bedroom window and I take it and fill it for him to re-hang.

We enjoy the hummingbirds so much we put feeders in view of both the living room and dining room. When they are empty, the birds hover at the window as if waiting for a refill.

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