You may remember when I joined the Southern Appalachian
Modern Quilt Guild. I wrote about their choice of a block of the month to
follow (they were using a Craftsy class). I had little enthusiasm for that. I
was already taking a sampler class that focused on traditional blocks. (My
Audrey Class) I was totally immersed in Audrey and I didn't have any motivation
to duplicate the lessons with an online teacher. In fact, I was a little
Well, I decided to make my own Modern Block of the Month. Or, rather,
choose a block every month from the panoply of FREE modern blocks available. I
have decided to mostly make 12" blocks or variations that will fit well
such as 24", 6", 4", 3". I have already chosen colors.
Kona Cotton Ash, Lime, Chartreuse, Kumquat.
I thought I was unique in my color palette but I must have
seen it somewhere. Maybe here at the Oklahoma City Modern Quilt Guild? It is likely that I
was influenced by this. When I am about to embark on a new journey, I research
everything to death. In the old days, that meant a lot of library time but
since the internet, I am like a pig in slop.
So here I am, doing it MY way. MY Modern Block of the Month.
Starting in May, not January. Using others'
ideas but linking you to them. My version of the Oklahoma City Modern Quilt Guild's January 2013 Block of the month. Thank you, OCMQG, you are so generous to share the directions.
The photograph distortion makes the seams look skewed but they are actually pretty much straight!
I missed the April meeting of the SAMQG and Thursday's meeting was shocking. They have taken on a TON of charity work. They have decided to have once a month charity sewing. They have two projects underway just to pay for their main charity focus. I have a copy of the bylaws to read over. They don't seem to be doing their traditional block of the month anymore, either.
They passed out kits last night to make blocks for a raffle quilt but since I am booked with company and other things over the next month, I did not take any. To be completely honest, the raffle quilt looks like it might be modern. But charity work is not why I wanted to be part of a modern guild. I want to learn about the modern movement, instead of spend my time cranking out charity items and then sitting around selling geegaws or strong-arming people to buy raffle tickets. Which, ironically, is what I am doing right this minute while you are reading this--but for a different guild. Maybe the overlap factor is what is getting to me.
Yeah, still grumpy. I know. You can't have a non profit that doesn't do SOME charity work but my goodness. They have REALLY got big plans. And I want to sew for ME.
WAH WAH WAH I didn't even get to show my modern quilt block. What a crybaby.